shane bauer is with us, award-winning reporter with mother jones. well as seth freed wessler, an investigative reporter and democracy now!'s renee feltz. shane, we last had you on just a little while ago based on this remarkable issue of mother jones magazine. that you wrote. ,s an undercover prison guard you acted as in louisianana. your most recent article, "this prisoner hanged himself at the privivate prison whehere i work. his s family sayays he did not e to d die." this b based on n your four r mh investigatation as a p private prison guauard. talk about y your reactition tos news and what actually happened to this prisoner you spoke of. >> well, this news is certainly unprecedented and surprising. i mean, the findings of the inspector general's office are not surprising. their consistent with findings from the department of justice over the years from reports by journalists consnsistent with things thahat i saw at wininn in louisiana, b but this meaeasures certainlnly bigger than anynythi expected.. damien, he w was somebody whoho i had met w