the chief strategy and technology officer at hp, shane robinson. nice to have you on the program. welcome back to "closing bell." >>> nice to be here. >> before i get into the green niche yeah tifs and what hp has done. where do you see as the chief strategist and technology officer at hp, where technology is going? where's the growth? >> a lot of growth is in information technology delivered through services. so services business models are evolving. behind that is explosion in information. navigating, making sense out of information, and mobility. so those are kind of the three major trends that we see shaping the industry. >> when we had bill gates on, he said, we should worry about robots. that's really what's happening here. we've got robots getting better and better in terms of talking back, looking, feeling. >> one of the things you'll see is more and more intelligence embedded into the infrastructure. robots are part of the infrastructure. and as they get more intelligent, you can make more use out of this. >> one of the advancements that you've seen is green commitments,