approval then what you're going to get is shanghai hong kong singapore multiple other financial centers perhaps moon by who knows they're going to go and just implement the product anyway and i think that's the difficulty i don't disagree with you that there are methodology is that can be deployed but to put in a full on a and turn around and say you can't list a new product until we've decided whether it's good for us or not actually that would have stifled incredible financial regulation that has helped were mine gentlemen i want to jump in right here because we what we just heard there from patrick and i want to go right now to arnold do markets do better than regulators arnold. that's not a there's not a pure question i don't think you should take want to extreme you shouldn't have faith in that markets are you know this is television ok so i'm trying to make it is simple for my viewers as possible go ahead i was in investment banking there years i understand ok ok and you shouldn't have faith that banks are always wrong one important point i will just make about the financial crisi