do you want to turn this city into another manhattan, shanghai or hong kong? thank you. >> thanks. next speaker. >> greetings, president chiu, members of the board of supervisors, my name is paul sedway and i live at 765 market street. i have served on the boards of heritage, contemporary museum and spur. i also led what at one point was the largest urban planning consulting firm in the united states, including over 100 environmental impact reports. our firm always tried to prepare eirs that were helpful as an evaluation tool, focusing on two things, alternatives and cumulative effects. and i would like to use that experience to address quickly the eir we have today. first as to alternatives, the eir offered two con flicting reasons why the original design was supersedeed offered considerable light and few shadows on jesse's square. and it would have a reasonable amount of air around it. as for cumulative effects, i believe that if we consider the level of spot-zoning that we have today, the city is going to be seriously damaged, and we will be reducing the human scale and unique q