. >> julie shanholtzer.-h-a-n-h-o-l-t-z-e-r. >> on the first day of our extended stay shoots, we don't generally conduct extensive interviews. we go around and try to meet people and find out what they're there for. while we were doing this we saw julie shanholtzer. sitting over here talking to a group of inmates. she stood out. because she seemed very at ease in her environment. >> you're not allowed to shower unless i'm in the shower with you. yeah. >> they're only taking -- >> and that prompted us to go and speak to her. >> you look like a california girl. you look like a beach bunny. >> that's what i want to be. one day. i don't dress weird. i dress like a mom. i want to be going to school to be a pastor. i found that drive in me now, and i'm so happy and proud of myself that i haven't changed my appearance. i think i've gotten used to seeing the girl next door coming in. they make mistakes. they can't function out there. i've been a deputy for nine years, and i've known inmate shanholtzer for about my w