.# and best wishes to everyone receiving their results and we will speak with shanice and laurie later, so, well done. the three subjects, english and maths, there is a grading system 9-1, and maths, there is a grading system 9—1, so how have you gone, if you can compare it? the government has said for this year in this transition that anything that was a a star would be seven and above and that would stay roughly the same, so we are thrilled that in maths, which we are thrilled that in maths, which we specialise in, we have 32% of seven and above, and it was 30% last year, so we have maintained on a much harder exam, much harder. most importantly, seven students got grade nine, which is a completely new great. how has it been handled, will confuse employers? in the first couple of years it will be confusing. we will be looking at comparisons, like metric, the old and new money. in a year or two's time, we won't be talking about the old grades, we will understand. just to know that nine, eight and seven are the top grades and anything above four is a past. congratulations. thank you. c