quick one on that tri-valley university students are still worried and ambassador of india meera shankar wrote to the secretary, the secretary wrote her back, and what students are asking the state department these conversations will not help what is our future. >> well, i think the focus right now on issues regarding how -- what happens for students who are not implicated in the ongoing investigation, those are matters under active discussion within the department of homeland security. >> thank you. >> p.j., i just want to know what's happening with sending an ambassador to venezuela. is there any news? >> no news. have a nice weekend. >> next, the supreme court oral arguments in ashcroft versus al-kidd. after that, president obama talks to miami high-school students about education. >> this weekend on a booktv, a boxer who's been 20 years in prison wrongly accused of murder. also, massachusetts senator scott brown on his troubled childhood and rise as a national political figure. look for schedule information at booktv.org. get our schedules by e-mail. signup for our booktv alerts. >>