shanna hawkins explains. >> shoppers in venezuela will soon be handing over not only their money at the checkouts, but also their fingerprints. the government is planning to introduce biometric security in supermarkets that can track the amount of food people can buy. >> the introduction of a biometric system during the distribution and sale of food in both public and private businesses will be like the in therint readers election system, an anti-fraud blessing. >> the aim is to combat food shortages by preventing people from buying too much of a single item. a year, venezuela has been suffering from shortages of staple ingredients like cooking oil and flour which are now 10 times cheaper to buy than in neighboring countries. some people are buying of goods and smuggling them across the border for profit, according to the government. because weragedy, will be under even more radical control them what we have experienced so far. measuresare populist designed to mislead people, to distract them from shortages caused by the government. it for public administration, not the country. >> food