while searching for shannan, police found ten bodies dumped along ocean parkway, four of them wrappedt still no shannan, until the december of 2011 when her remains were finally found in a marsh three miles from the killer's dumping grounds. >> i don't know if shannan was killed by the same person or people who killed those other women but i feel that she deserves justice. >> reporter: and to date there's been no justice for any oaf the victims, no sign of the killer, no hint of an arrest. and his killing season, summer, the time of year most of the victims disappeared, is here. >> erin moriarity is here along with robert coker. he's the author of "lost girls" a new book about the lives open deaths of five of those victims. good morning to you both. erin, what do we know about the serial killer? >> it's interesting. i mean, obviously we don't know who he is, and there's some difference of opinion among investigators whether there's more than one, one or two. but we do know that he is a harmless-looking fellow because some of these women were very savvy, and yet he convinced them to go