shannon foley martinez is, and i hope you're sitting down for this, an ex-neo-nazi and a current yaleor who specifically works to deradicalize people who have fallen victim to radicalization. shann shannon, thank you for joining us on the show. ben? >> shannon, thanks for coming. we talked a few weeks ago for a story about q an no. >> yes. >> you told me explicitly, like, i don't know what i was thinking when i was going down that white supremacist rabbit hole. was it, like, did i lose empathy, what was happening at that time? and what you were saying is, at that point you didn't think you were becoming a bad guy. that's really what's happening with these qanon people, right, they don't think they're becoming a bad guy, they think they're becoming a hero in their own story, right? >> so i'm not a yale professor, i'm a consultant at pan american university, just to clear that up. >> so you're accusing me of disinformation already, 30 minutes into the show. don't clip that and put that on the internet. go ahead, shannon. >> everybody already thinks that anyway. so one of the things that