. >> you have a fewest says and some of those featured are gene simons and shannon tweed. g. jordan lidy. richard katz and larry king. this is what gene gordon lidy says. the temptation to cheat is very strong. the more successful and powerful a man becomes, the more typical infidelity becomes. women are naturally attracted to wealth and power and will throw themselves to a man who has either. if takes some one with extraordinary self-control to deny them that temptation. if a man wants to cheat i would give him the same advice i was going to give a man that was temped to try heroin, don't do it. >> power is afro dees shee back. >> i would also tell that man don't think you will get away with it. women always know. once you break that bond of trust, it may be forgiven but never be forgotten. you will never get back what you once had. don't do it. gordon lidy. you believe all that? >> i believe what he is saying is absolutely correct. >> women have some power to detect? >> i know my wife in particular has that power to detect. i belt yours has it as well. either one of us bett