doubts too there insole came from the same party as outgoing president she'll say it wanted to shantel sue ruled the country for 38 he is corruption has blighted the economy for decades that's highlighted by the fresh allegations that the former president's daughter stole hundreds of millions of donna's so what about the streets of angola have promises of a new start in fulfilled the wanda to find out. you wonder the capital of angola on display in the city's center is evidence of the massive oil wealth that is poured into the southern african country in recent decades. but just a few kilometers away is another angola one of poverty and mass unemployment. we ask locals has the new president changed anything. there is a change but it's all happening much too slowly. nothing has changed yet and we don't even have drinking water you know. the government should at least deal with waste removal when it rains here there are floods that sometimes drag away our children our houses are ruined too we have many problems here. but we want the new president runs so to think about us. things are very ba