shantha actually it's hard if they really have to concentrate. the experiment is intended to simulate situations we face at work and in our leisure time but we have to tackle a wide range of tasks in rapid succession. the program the 1st tests how quickly the test subjects console simple tasks. then they're asked to focus on more and more features such as color form and pattern under increasing time pressure. this means that the attorney these are situations in which our brain has to make a clear distinction between various steps and decisions we do these things more or less automatically but for our brain it's hard work. young offender also carries out m.r.i. scans on her test subjects she wants to see exactly which regions of the brain are being activated the frontal lobes are responsible for handling complex tasks. that's the part of the brain that's located behind our forehead this allocates how many resources are devoted to each particular task it is it when we're dealing with several tasks that once this part of the brain has to work hard t