inside again to the post... shaquille duncan working logan wiens... and the &ppivot foot...e hurt on with theeone handed sttff...beers hoping for a new season in march... get their 7th win: 91-80.morran adsit goes one-on-one now with head coach todd bozeman. 3- it's now time too it's now time to announce the candidates in our highhschool brought to you by varsity . sportt networr dot com...youu can vote or the game you'd like to sse highlights of by going to fox-baltimore dot com and clicking on high school game of theeweek... here's this week's slate of gaaess.. we'll announce the winner on thursday night... that's all for the late edition...and be sure to tune in to fox45 morning news tomorrow -- morning news tune in toofox45 and be sure to late edition...that's all for the thursdayynight...t