here to tell us about that is sharif frink. you've brought a bunch of stuff with is a sampling. >> just a sample. >> pretty much we have phones for people that have a difficult time hearing, seeing, moving and remembering. >> for folks that don't understand where the money comes from we all pay for it? >> there is a tax that we pay that is put into a fund and you need to pay the surcharge along with doctor's sitting on the application and the phone is yours at no cost. >> what is the process? >> the process is once you get the application filled out. you put your name and address. doctor verifies the need or disability. you bring it to the office at berkeley service center we can give you a phone the same day. we have customer advisors that will help you in the process. >> we are looking and how easy it is. so it's really easy and basically name and phone number and that is about it? >> right. >> what if you are severely disabled? >> a lot of time we have student advisors that will set the home for them. >> how do they know what is the right one for a right pers