becoming a national entity and i wanted to find out what you know just what people were thinking and sharifa nicole my producers could do send nicole salazar went back to the t.v. studios to digitize tape as i was interviewing people on the convention floor i got a call from our senior producer saying come quickly to seventh in jackson and st paul because nicole injury couldn't rest and they've been bloodied and you should get here quickly i raced off the convention floor my credentials around my neck with our cameraman that i was working with that day the great filmmaker rick reilly of big noise films we raced down the streets of st paul got to this big parking lot the riot police had surrounded the area fully contained and i went up to them i was just sort of running along the line to find an officer that i could ask. to get a commanding officer and that's just what i did that was the second of the images you saw i ran up to the officer and i said please i'd like to speak to your commanding officer you can see i just came from the convention floor i'm a credentialed journalist i need to get my re