shark ninja just unveiled a cleaning vacuum, short sellers point in capitol reiterated it's strong sell stock irobot down 15.5% today. >> ouch. >>> in an op-ed post this morning, richard smith vowed that his company, quote, will make changes the data breach that we learned about a few days ago, week ago thursday may have compromised the personal information of 143 million people roughly half the u.s. population since we've heard the news, the stock is down 27%, the company now offering free credit monitoring, if you can get on their website because that's been a problem they were going to charge you $10, but now it's going to be free and you won't have to give up your ability to sue the company if you want at the same time. >> that's true, but is it all too little too late? joining us now is adam balinski. thank you for joining us >> thank you >> you know, i was one of those people today on the website signing up for their trusted choice whatever it's called. i'm not really sure what, you know, that's going to do at this point. what's your advice to those affected right now >> well my a