. -- but we will have sharon pinkerton from a for a picket captain dan carey of -- pilots. captain sully sullenberger , retired pilot. sarah nelson from -- and -- administrator faa and recognize each of you five minutes . without objection -- witnesses full statements will be included in the record. it has been part of the prior record, we are able to request that you limit your testimony to five minutes. we will recognize sharon pinkerton for five minutes. >>> good morning. chairman defazio. ranking member graves. chairman larson, ranking member graves. thank you for having this hearing today. my name is sharon pinkerton. and the vice president for policy at airlines for america. it's an honor and a privilege to be here today to talk about aviation safety. nothing is more fundamental to this industry and the commitment to safety. your u.s. carriers have led the world in aviation safety for decades. and we are very proud of that record. but, the events that are bringing us here today have humbled us. these are sobering tragedies. and the industry as americans, as human bein