in community, sharon hewitt, co-share. i want to thank you, grandmother, sharon. we miss you but know you aren't gone. we're doing what we can. although i'm sure we're not doing enough, to continue your work. so if her daughter has made it up, i don't see her yet, this award will be presented to her when she comes in. she has a baby with her and had to leave work. but i want to also present this commendation to the many people whose lives she's touched, the folks who, especially hear from the tenderloin and i think i see dee-de coming in now. and i want to thank you dee-dee foefor sharing your mother with. this is a roomful of people whose lives she had touched. (applause). (applause. >> i wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for her and your family so i want to say thank you. >> i'm sorry, i couldn't hear if you were finished. >> supervisor walton. >> thank you, president. i want to say, you know, i want to thank supervisor hain earthquakes for doiney fordoing. very few people have the capacity to provide leadership in several communities here in san francisco