john: clearly this is an active hubris, of human ambition, of human pride, to go explore other worlds. whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, well-meaning people can disagree. sharonhinks it is the wrong thing to be doing, and she is certainly entitled to her opinion. others see it as part of creating a future that has optimism associated with it. mining the moon, yes, the resources of the moon will help support this undertaking in the long-term. is the moon a pristine wilderness, or a resource for humans to use? there is clearly human ego involved in that. nasa doesn't cost much money, less than one half of 1% of the federal government. so there is lots of money left over for addressing issues like limit change, -- like climate change, which nasa is very much involved in with its earth observation satellite. so to me, human observation of the solar system is the kind of activity we should be doing, as a window to the future, while we address the problems here on earth. jesse: john, can we judge yet what the biden administration's commitment to space travel and nasa is? we are still in the first year, can we judge how they feel about space travel? john: the indica