. >> let's start out with sharon prather. thanks for being here. >> my hero. >> your hero. >> my hero. >> aww. you know, it's hard to imagine you with hair loss, so we--we'll just see--whoa! that's you. >> and that was on a good day. >> oh, wow. >> that was on a good day. >> wow. >> and as you can se i had to fight to get enough hai to get a curling iron through there to do anything up here. >> so, it really is the shape of male pattern balding, and you were doing the old combover. >> absolutely was. >> look at that. oh my goodness. how long was this like? >> um, that was about, um, what--six months? >> six months! >> something like that. >> let's look at the before and after beside each-- six months later! >> hey! i have hair. and i am a great grandmother, 64 last week, and if i can start at my age and have these kinds of results, then you ought to be able to start at any age. >> so, you had really visible results really quickly. >> this has been a total of about eight months now, but i noticed that difference within six mon