joining me now, sharon waxman, the editor of the, who broke the story. ou, as soon as i read this, i forward ed it to a screenwriter friend of minute who worked with mel gibson and read everything in the letter and said, yes, this is the kind of thing i heard. this makes sense to me. he wanted to add to your file. he said the theme in here that you constant lly hear is how ha it is to be mel gibson. here is a quote, in the first 20 minutes of knowing him, whatever i say about the jews, a thousand rabi's around the world would come after me, because of this pressure he is under, he has actually had a face mask made by the hollywood experts that can make face masks, he has made a face mask made so he can go out in public in restaurants and he said that it works perfectly. he goes out in public in restaurants with a face mask that disguises him perfectly and he went on to say, he is a constant conspiracy thetheeoris and believes that there were drones that brought down the twin towers, it's madness run wild, i'm giving you an additional source, but the spiri