shasta darlington looks at startups in havana taking advantage of the new rules. >> reporter: workingrom her back porch turned beauty is ajuan, juana ramirez applies a coat of fire engine polish. she charges the equivalent of 50 cents for a manicure. "i loved my career but i didn't make enough to survive. this won't make me rich but i make enough to live on." like many going into business, relatives abroad help keep her afloat with a steady supply of nail polish. this mobile phone doctor wouldn't be in business at all if it weren't for the startup money that an uncle in miami sent him. he cracks enscription codes and fixes phones, most of them sent from family abroad. cuba announced the biggest shakeup to its soviet style economy last year publishing guidelines on how to set up small businesses it hopes will offset massive layoffs in the state sector and provide a steady flow of mtax money. it's been a bumpy ride from the government where 90% of the economy is run for the state. this private gym didn't know how to get the word out. "the biggest challenge is so few cubans know what spi