but i think if you want to talk about qualities and attributes, i bet you even shaun elsbernd and i agree that the next mayor of san francisco needs to know the inner workings of local government if san francisco. we probably wouldn't get a debate on that pony. but for me, in terms of thinking about this now for -- for the better part of this month, i think that -- in the city and county of st. francis, we also need to do better than just someone who knows the inner workings of g. i know there's been a call for -- a call for a caretaker mayor. i think i know what that means. i think i know what is behind it. and i think i know it is -- as tim rightly pointed out, in the history of -- of the last time when there was a call, ironically from probably for more my side of the politician for potentially a caretaker mayor, why the hearst school examiner immediately dismissed that call for caretaker mayor because you would be basically putting in the most important office in the city and this is the hearst examiner from 1978. you would be putting in the most important ce