shaun hannity later declared. >> out of respect for the family's wishes for now, i am not discussing atter at this time. >> reporter: but in case hannity's fan thought he never would mention this again, he threw them a bone. >> >>. >> the lawsuit filed by seth rich's brother, aaron is against the washington times. the deft named in today's lawsuit, can you explain how they were dragging your client, seth's brother into this. >> thanks for having me. the introduction that you showed the viewers at the start of this piece was about the prelude of the suit which is the story that existed about the seth rich conspiracy. after that, these defendants that are named in the lawsuit today decided to make seth's brother the target of the conspiracy theory and also somebody who took money from wikileaks into his personal bank account and the allegations grew more grotesque from there. they made up a meeting that reportedly occurred at the dnc where aaron through a chair at donna brazil and all of this is made up. it began on a peri scope. they have about 200,000 twitter followers and they get te