. >> reporter: that law student, shauna kinishnik, put it on with thousands of fans checking in. >> you look a little different. >> reporter: denyce graves joined us in the russian lounge of the kennedy center after her performance in the opera "champion." "champion" is one of two contemporary operas appearing at the kennedy center now. they both deal with current issues. "champion" with homophobia. "dead men walking" with the death penalty. in an upcoming night at the kennedy center, "justice at the opera," justice ginsburg will talk about current legal issues that were in some of the oldest operas performed like "carmen." >>er on iconic role. i describe that as the ultimate plea bargain. here's carmen, and she is being carted off to jail. and she negotiates a deal with don jose. >> had you thought of that? >> hadn't thought of it in those happens. >> do you know that there is an opera, a one-hour opera, called "scalia ginsburg." and it will be produced this summer at the glimmerglass festival. >> reporter: she says the composer, derek wang, now a lawyer, was in law school when he came