it had started nearly 160 miles away in augustine, maine, then friends say sergeant shaunna o'connell was from rockland and had been visiting maine when he died on especially in his sleep. sean o'connell, who had served multiple combat wars in iraq and afghanistan, was most recently assigned to the military's warrior transition unit in virginia. >> it was a really tough loss for everybody. david : more than 100 people were waiting with american flags when the horse carrying his remains -- hearse carrying his remains arrived at the funeral home. he leaves behind his mother, father, and two younger brothers. ed: looking at boston, it just looks cooler. we have some wet weather? harvey: some of us may wind up with a lot of wet weather. you can see some wet weather to the bahamas. that is a developing system too. the two may combine. we will be watching wave. for tonight, the clouds are here. drizzle, missed, and fog will be possible. you see heavier rain working into eastern and southeastern massachusetts as we get deeper into friday and friday night. we will ethics commission turned ove