(piano music) shawn colvin, welcome. - [shawn] thank you. - [eric] nice to see you again. - [shawn] you too. - [eric] it's so nice to hear your voice coming out of a record, i have to tell you the great fun i've had over the last couple of weeks listening to this record. it reminds me how much i enjoy hearing your music. - thank you. - and it's a really great, and interesting, and different record. it's very spare, very raw, and casual. not is as if pejorative i say that, but it just doesn't feel like it's been over-produced and over done. feel like you all had fun - that's a great compliment. - [eric] making it. - we did, and it was done quickly, a week and a half and- - [eric] you recorded it in a week and a half? - we did. and those are exactly the words we want you to use to describe it. - good. and it was recorded in different places, or it was recorded in one place? - no, it was recorded in nashville with buddy miller who's a producer and often it's not when he produces, you record at his house, which is what we did and it was just very casual. the overall opinion from all of us,