my congratulations and sincere appreciation to shawn lundy and may he continue to live in and enjoy the home for years to come and many thanks to the planning department for their work to recognize, preserve san francisco rich history. >> supervisor: can we take the item same house and call. without objection it passes on first reading. >> the clerk: requiring parties to pay a refundable deposit to establish the waiver and renewal of requests for findings. >> it passes unanimously on the first reading. madame clerk, let's go back to items number eight and nine. can you call those together and i just want to let the members know we have commendation and special orders so the item will be interrupted several times today because i do know we'll be dealing with this item for some time. there will not be public comment on items eight and nine. with that madame clerk please call item eight and nine and at 2:30 we'll interrupt. >> the clerk: item eight is an ordinance to amend the planning code to regulate cannabis land uses and allow dispensaries in zoning districts and establish a land use p