joining me now, actress and comedian judy gold, isha mills, new york congressman shawn maloney and rich you first, congressman maloney, thank you for being here. what do you make of this sort of reset that you've seen with donald trump and some other republican leaders who have sought to say we are the true friends of the lgbt community but framed it as a way of saying because we are more opposed to what they want to term as radical islamists. >> right. well, it's -- it's insulting and it's insensitive in light of what happened one week ago today. you know, we in the community know who our friends are and we know who stood with us and we know who talks a good game but who then turns around and votes against our rights. i serve in the house of representatives. for the last three weeks, i've been working simply to preserve existing workplace protection in federal contracting put in place by the president two years ago. if one more republican who votes against me comes up and says, but i have gay friends or i'm -- you know where i am on your stuff personally, you know, i -- you know, i'm g