after a six-month investigation, army times senior writer shawn nailer has pieced together a fascinating portrait of the battle against al-qaida leaders who took refuge in africa after being forced from afghanistan and pakistan. this secret war which has included unmanned u.s. aircraft to track and kill terrorists predates by years president obama's public noinsment last month that he had deployed 100 troops to uganda to root out a terrorist leader there. shawn's multi-part series can be found in all of military times newspapers as well as defense news. shawn, welcome back to the show. >> great to be here. >> it's absolutely a fascinating story. tell us what the mission to somalia was and why it was necessary. >> in the first of our series of articles in the times papers, we talk about a secret mission that navy seals launched from a submarine delivery vehicle into somalia to place a series, about a dozen hidden, disguised cameras along the coastline of somalia to keep watch on suspicious places that they thought al- qaida activity was occurring in. >> and it was a pretty controversial m