. >> reporter: detective shawn pate wasn't sure exactly what he was dealing with, but it was beginninglook a lot more serious than just an accident on the stairs. >> we weren't able to determine what the injuries were. we saw there was blood coming from her head, she had her purse, she had water bottle, lipstick, keys, that kind of thing. all coming down the staircase. and first thing i'm wondering is, was there a struggle? >> was her wallet there? >> the wallet was there. >> and money in it? >> there must have been because at first we didn't think it was a robbery. >> reporter: edythe, who knew none of this, now rushed to denita's building, where she hoped to find her close friend but instead was greeted by several of the university's professors. >> i was like, "what are you all doing here?" and they were like, "you know, unfortunately she's not alive." everything in me, you know, just went into shock, of course. i kept saying, you know, i want to see her. i was like, are you sure? maybe it's mistaken identity. i'm like, she's not dead, this can't be. >> reporter: denita monique smith