the owner of the truck, shawn phillips, also had an alibi for the night of michelle's disappearance. he was 70 miles away in san francisco. >> we were later able to identify him in some surveillance footage down there in the city at the time of the murder. >> after four days of searching, police found michelle's nude body in a nearby river covered in mud. >> she had extensive blunt force injury of the head. it was both external bruises and abrasions and internal bleeding around the brain and within the brain. she also had a number of fractures involving the jaws, both the upper jaw and the lower jaw. >> despite the severe head trauma, the autopsy showed it was not the cause of death. >> it was multiple blunt force injuries to the head complicated by a drowning. she had been placed in the water still living. >> strangest of all, michelle's killer had cut off almost all her hair. >> it was pretty hacked. when you see her in the surveillance video in the bar, she had beautiful, waist-length hair, and when we found her, it had been essentially hacked off. >> this raised disturbing possib