. >> shawn ryan: the old prospectors would put a shaft down under the creek. >> bob simon: shawn ryanor, says a lot of placer gold has been mined here. >> ryan: they figure, at the turn of the century, there was somewhere between 13 million and 20 million ounces of placer gold taken out of the klondike. >> bob simon: which was worth what then? >> ryan: right now, that'd be worth well over, you know, between $13 billion and $20 billion worth of gold, at today's prices, so... >> bob simon: 100years later, they're still mining the same creeks and riverbanks. the miners use back hoes now, not the gold pans you see in clint eastwood movies. ian thomas is digging dirt that's already been mined once. he's looking for leftovers. his equipment separates rock from dirt, and then gives the dirt a bath to wash out the gold. how you doing? >> ian thomas: we have good years, we have bad years. >> bob simon: in other words, you don't really want to answer the question. >> thomas: not really. >> bob simon: dave miller also didn't want to tell us how much gold he finds, but he did show us the frisbee-