. >> staff sergeant shawnda jackson. >> she was very interesting. shawnda was a great illustration of the way that women who personally did not believe in the mission but carried it out anyway because of their loyalty to their fellow soldiers. of course, the uniform code of conduct prohibited me from asking any questions about how they felt about the war because in the military you are not allowed to criticize the commander in chief. i found that women had a way of letting me know anyway. the code was supporting the troops. is it possible to support the troops without supporting the war. those who felt critical of the board would say that it was and nd the incident who didn't would st no, that was impossible. you have to support the war effort as well as the troops. a cultural history of women and guns in america. throughout the story was the threat of women in combat and the way that whether or not women were allowed to fight tied closely into whether or not they could be considered full citizens. back in the revolutionary war era you have politicia