what seemed like great evidence to the cops did not to the newly elected prosecuting attorney shaylene iserisimple reason. the dna did not exclusively match darren. >> it could have come from the two children. >> reporter: larry, though, refused to be discouraged. >> the driving force is to get this case solved and put my daughter to rest. >> reporter: because she isn't yet? >> hopefully it'll be this year. hopefully it'll be 2009. we're close. >> reporter: but 2009 ended as it had begun, with the case in stasis. no breaks. no leads. no arrests. and 2010 was no different. same for 2011, nothing. it's fair to say sandra's murder investigation was very much cold. so, 2012 now. six years after the murder. and three years after that dna test. chief perry gave the case to a new detective named bryson ponce, who re-examined the physical evidence like sandra's car, undisturbed since the day she was murdered. >> she was sitting down in the driver's seat. and the -- from her waist up, was pulled, slouched over onto the passenger's seat. >> reporter: you said pulled? did it appear that it had been yan