for shayna lowe is the communication advisor at the norwegian refugee council. she's urging the international community to compel as well to allow agents, garza, these are people who have been under siege for, for more than 1617 years at this point. um, but under active possibilities for more than 15 months. uh and, and have really lost everything, their homes, their livelihoods, their family members, the survivors are entitled to aid and we, and we want to remind the international community that it's not just that these people, the, it's a, there's not a privilege. this is a rate that they have and israel have obligations under international law to provide for the, the basic necessities for the people who live under occupation. we've seen, as we start with the ways ro conducted itself during hostility, is that there's very little appetite from the international community to hold israel accountable for violations of international law. and we need not just the rhetoric from, from 3rd states, but we need them to take action to do everything in their power that the