joining me now, michael shearer, white house reporter for "the washington post." hi, michael.ow are you doing? >> hey, chris. >> let's sort of try to break this down. we have been hearing this criticism -- i can't remember a president who wasn't criticized when he was on vacation and people thought he should have come back and jimmy carter, we want to go back that far, he was criticized for staying at the white house and not getting out during the whole hostage crisis. realistically, is there something he could do in washington that he couldn't do from hawaii? >> you know, i think technically, no. they pretty much move the white house wherever the president goes. so from a technical standpoint, he can order up whatever he wants to order up from hawaii or for wherever else he happens to be. politically, though, we're in 2010 officially now. it's a campaign year, and, you know, what this president has to balance as his predecessors have in the past is, you know, the symbolism versus the reality. the symbolism is what the republicans are seizing on. >> and "the washington post" n