shedden ability is by definition something that's shared different people touch it so it makes sense to disinfect now and then due to the pandemic many people of void public transport and prefer rental bikes and e scooters to avoid even more chaos by abandoned the scooters lying on pavements hubs like this one could bring order charge them sustainably and make them more popular. or that's it for me and the business team here in berlin as always you can find out more about these and other business stories online at d w dot com slash business i'm sitting there as always thanks watching. numbers of corona virus infections in meat processing plant. treatment of livestock transmitted across europe. terrible living and conditions for employees. how toxic is the meat industry. global 3000. next on d w. this is some noakes story a stubborn rice farmer from thailand. his problem pasts. his credo no chemical. wife was crazy. and i bought ducks. step. step no. orders. are. just stand a chance. the price is thriving the farmers free. the finest and production to top it off. being successful. jus