shefali: thanks so much for having me. laura: many of the abortion stories highlighted since roe fell have been some of the scariest, ones about people who would die if they didn't get an abortion. you say in your book that it's your attempt to correct that narrative, that people get abortions for all kinds of different reasons, and that those stories equally deserve to be told. what are some of those stories in the states that have either banned or severely restricted abortion? shefali: the most common reason people get abortions is simply they can't afford to have another kid. very often people who get abortions are already parents. they know intimately how much it costs -- the emotional, the physical, all of the energy it takes to raise a chi. they're often in their 20s. they are often women of color. it is women of all ages, people of all gender identities, trans people as well. and they have all sorts of reasons for not wanting to be pregnant. laura: you traveled the country for years before roe was overturned and sin