an oil pipeline that takes about 600,000 barrels of oil a day out of the kurdish region to the shehan oil port to the mediterranean, can be shut off in an instant by turkey. also, too, we know the saudi king was just on the phone with the iraq premier saying they want a unified iraq, to show you how uniform the region is against the kurdish independence movement. but a lot of oil happening in the balance. we know this fighting can be fierce. it's another iteration of it. it's the same shia-sunni battle we've seen for years now. >> a premium in the price of, what, $1, $2? >> if the fighting were get heavy handed, it could be $3. >> great to see you. >>> in china, meanwhile, the government is holding its mos. it could shape the future of the world's second largest e. >> the biggest political event of the year in china opened on wednesday. it's a 19th communist party congress. this conference of the national leadership is only held twice in a decade. its purpose is to choose who will be in the main decision-making body for the co the communist party doesn't hold discussions in public, so whatever