frank palloone from the store. 25-year veteran, looks like he's runle sheila oliver speaker of the statebly and shares a base with corey booker, in the newark area, she might be in the race, too. other democrats looking at this. i say, that's interesting. i'll enjoy wanting it, i'm a new jersey politics yun junkie but y booker's nay different league and should have no problem winning this. what do you think? >> i think that he is well known, so around the state if you had to name one person, showed them the list, they would point to corey booker. i don't know who's going to come out in this election. but if you look a little deeper, newark is not corey booker's place. he's not -- it doesn't seem to be in control in administrative matters, budget, police, so on but he's had political problems in newark. how do new jerseyans look at that? probably not a lot of people are aware of that. and corey booker, in a way, is a kind of chris christie person in wanting to go out and talk to people and be well known. booker has been all over the state doing graduation speeches and so on. how does that