vai: andy is a firefighter and sheina's a social worker. they wanted a big family, but after two kids, it just wasn't in the cards. but as jade and andre got old enough, their parents asked them if they were open to having foster siblings. andy martinez: and they were like, "yeah, that sounds good." biggest thing was that god blessed us with this home, and we were humbled by it when we first--this is our first home, so we wanted to bless other people. vai: they view their foster children and siblings as their own family. their pictures are on the family blessing wall. in fact, the first foster kids they took in were three siblings under age five, two in diapers. female: it was really, like, hard to let them go, so whenever they leave, it's really hard. male: the coolest thing was having a brother 'cause i've always wanted a brother. sheina: this is a blanket that my husband bought me a couple mother's day ago back when we were a family of eight kids. and this now needs to not be eight, it needs to be ten. george: that was nbc 10's vai sikah