shelby campbell project manager. my apologies for the typo in the resolution. it's actually for preconservices so that's the wrong day. >> that was the only issue? >> pardon me? >> that's the only issue? >> yes. >> moved as amended. >> second. >> all in favor? opposed? the motion carries to amend. now i need a motion on the main resolution. >> so moved. >> second. >> public comment. >> public comment on the amendment. >> public comment on the amendment. >> i would like to move the main resolution. >> which is? >> we just moved the amendment and now this is -- got it. moved. >> second. >> do i have public comment? all in favor? opposed? motion carries. okay. item 12. >> item 12 approve the warnerville substation project and authorize the general manager to release of $3,143,000 in funds on reserve with the board of supervisors. >> any questions on this? >> i thought ritchie had left. move to approve. >> second. >> additional comments? all those in favor? >> aye. >> opposed? the motion carries. item 13. >> would you like public comment? >> oh public comment. seei