shelby. trina, reba, cassandra. nikki, kelsey, shawna. jolene, urleen, claudia. savannah, casey, dolly. kendra, kylie. chloe, devon. emmalou, becky? >> no. >> wait, was it any one of those names with a "lynnit? >> yes. >> i got you. brandy lynn. >> brandy lynn. >> ah! >> now, there are a few things about that scene. one is there are so many trashy girl's names in this country, aren't there? secondly, seth macfarland, who's the genius behind this movie, he says you got this in one take. you came in, you didn't need any cue cards, no prompting. you just came in and went. is that true? >> yes. well, you're supposed to know your lines. it was the most difficult piece of dialogue to memorize because there's nothing to connect it to. it's just 57 random names. i never thought it would make it in the movie. the big reason was if i just said it, it would take two or three minutes. i asked him, can we do it like a game show formula where i try to rattle them off as fast as possible and get them out in a timely fashion so it will actually make it in the movie? when i did it, he just absolutely loved it. >> did you get it right every time? >> yes. >> okay, how? >> a lot of practice. you know, i spen