you know, shelby steele, a great professor at stanford and also a great published author writes a lot about this you know, it's not the sentencing guidelines, the reasons why you have a disproportionate number. it's not. it's because we have had -- in a talk about daniel patrick moynihan's report, the moynihan report that he wrote to president johnson. and the whole report is about how we saw a breakdown in the black family and simultaneously parallel to this breakdown he was seeing a rise among blacks on welfare. he said, this is a disturbing trend, and he said, i am seeing a lot of black families headed by single black women. i'm very concerned. at the time it was around 20 percent of black homes headed by single black women. today you have -- on sorry, the illegitimate birthrate is about 23% born to unwed mothers. today it's 73 percent. the reason why we have more is not because of sentencing guidelines for crack verses powder cocaine. it's because you have 73 percent of black babies born into homes without fathers. you don't have a marriage to support and welcome the child. he hav