joining me now shelby steele senior fellow at the hoover institute and author of shame.ank you. >> ben: i really am so frustrated by the way the left has advanced critical race theory in recent years. you know it's a recurring issue that has become something that's now being backed by the heights of power. you know, the biggest corporations out there, major tech firms and the like all circle around this very toxic and in my view unamerican idea. what can be done to push back against this and how can parents stand up in their communities where they see critical race theory being something that is now part of the curriculums to indoctrinate their young children? >> well, i think they have to begin with the understanding that critical race theory is a device designed to capture white guilt. it has no other meaning, no other purpose, no other function than that. it wants to capture, to once again accuse whites of racism. you look at the language, systemic racism. structural racism, racism is not just an isolated incident. it's a structural systemic society wide problem and t