and in particular, legislation to rain and dark money sen, sheldon white house, who's been a real leader democrat from rhode island has been a real leader here. you know, has produced no legislation, but it needs now 60 votes to pass the senate. and so to do anything about, you know, dark money, we now need 60 democratic votes or 50 democrats who are willing to find workarounds to deal with the filibuster problem. and right now those to hold out that we talked about joe mansion and kristen cinema have been obstacles to changing the filibuster rules so that again, that small minority cannot prevent action on any of these items that we're talking about. so once again, the solution is collective action. it's people turning out to vote in every election, not just the presidential elections or the mid term elections, but the off term elections. so that we get the representation necessary to move these sorts of bills forward. and, you know, take back our, our, our system from polluters and moneyed interests. you know, family, i wanted to point out because your audience is international and we'