but for those who knew and loved shele covlin, 2010 began with sadness. ister eve and her husband marc couldn't believe the mother of two was gone. did it kind of hit you later, the more emotional side of things as you think-- oh, for sure. --about your life without her-- right, exactly. --and the children without her? right. you can't even think about the magnitude of it all. andrea canning: shele's in-laws, david and carol covlin, were also in shock. their son rod called with the news. david covlin: he says, shele's dead. i don't think i've ever made it to manhattan faster in my life. did you get any details-- no. --in that first phone call? nothing. no, he just said, shele's dead. when you arrive, what's going on? roderick was sitting on the couch. he was in shock. honestly, i've never seen my son shellshocked and speechless in my life. andrea canning: the next few days were a blur. for religious reasons, the family decided not to have an autopsy performed. my father-in-law obviously made the final decision. he went by his rabbi, who said, don't do the