re's shelia jackson lee on tuesday athe jackson service. >> we have introced into the house of representativhisesolution 600 that will be debated on the floor of th house that clas michael jacksoasn american legend anmusical icon, a world humanitarian, meone who will beonored forever and forever and forer and forever and rever. >> san page, last time i checked, theay before the memorial, she had exactly e sponsor on that resoluti in the hoe. is this thing actuly going to make it the floor of the house? if it does, is peter king going to be a lone voice of oppositionor the leader of a g publican movement? >> don'tnow if it's going to maket to the floor, but i think it might. the usclaims a lot of people at theoint otheir death, including some controvsial people and shelijackson lee did not promise thisould pass e house, she promised it would be debat on the floor of the house. i think that might well pp. it puts mocrats in a little bit of bind, maybe, becausof the some more questionable aspectf michael jackson's life, but pu rublicans in a bind too given their low standing with african-amerans,